April Yoga Challenge

30 day Yoga Challenge

Follow my blog as I take the yoga challenge and attempt to do at least 20yoga classes in 30days! Start date is April 1.

April 1st-First Yoga Class of the month!

Today truly felt like Spring to me, so it was a little easier to wake up and get going to my 7am yoga class. Upon arriving at the yoga studio, I felt excited to have a goal. This is a goal, that I possibly will not achieve, but I think I can do it. My goal is to do five yoga classes of all kinds per week. Then on the other two days of the week, I would like to do a five mile run. Up until this point I have been attending roughly two yoga classes per week and doing two four mile runs per week. On my first class of the month today I already felt shaky from the intense class I did yesterday. I wish I could count yesterdays class, but I can’t so moving on. I thought to myself today that I better take it a little easy. I don’t want to injure myself on the first day. That would be tragic. My intention for the first class was to send energy to Japan. I want to give back as much as I can this month with my intention. Yoga has given me so much thus far and now I want to use it to give back in some way. At the end of class I got to put one gold star by my name and that felt so fun! Woohoo, for a gold star. Now just 19 to go.

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